Thursday, April 3, 2008


I am reading Jesus Christ Disicple-Maker.
He is talking about the dynamics of fellowship. He says Christians need to eat together, pray together, worship together(he says singing I changed to worship) and play together. He then makes this excellent quote.
"Eating together, praying together, singing together, and playing together will gradually knit disciples into a cohesive unit capable of accomplishing great things for God. This kind of fellowship produces a powerful outreach."

Let us start doing these things more often as a group!!!



martilou said...

How? maybe we should all work at opening a night a week to feed who ever comes like the pfotenhauers do with the teens?

thewayout said...

i am definitely up for getting together, eating and talking, and praying. i really miss that. i miss the meals we did at the house on sundays and the fellowship that we had together then. it was good stuff.

Eden said...

You can count me in. It is when you slow down enough to eat a meal together that you have the chance to really see what is going on in peoples lives. Love, Eden

melanie_lake said...

First of all Kate I'm so glad that you are reading this book. It changed my thinking and I think I can say was life changing.

I am all for getting together on a regular basis to eat.

I realize that I'm a little late on getting on board with this blog!! Sorry!!!