Sunday, April 20, 2008

who we are

I have been working on a mission statement based on your words that you sent--not so much to be a mission statement but to just be a simple way to clarify who we are becoming. I tried to take phrases from each group below--now you give it a shot.

we are followers of Jesus living together in community as we multiply the kingdom for God's glory, serving and loving people, partnering in unity with all believers to restore and serve Morgan County and beyond. Our focus is to love God and love People in a radical, transforming way as we live a simple life style in order to give God Glory.

I grouped the comments together under five catagories. You can take a look below and maybe come up with some more concise phrased that represent each group. I don't think we have to have a fancy mancy mission statement that is perfect. We just have to describe who we are. Steve is correct that just saying we are a church may not be discriptive enough however I believe that is exactly what we are a local church that is apart of THE CHURCH/bride of Christ

Group 1: living in community, community, connecting to the body, common life, partnering, radical, hospitality
Group 2 training, teaching, great commission, discipling, discipleship, spiritual transformation
Group 3 meeting needs, serving, partnering, volunteerism, safe place, respite, refuge, shelter, comfort,
Group 4: healing love, hope restorative, neighborhood transfomation, green, bring back to life, peacemaking
Group 5: Loving God, God's manifold wisdom, bring Glory to God, walking in the spirit, spirit led, denying self and picking up cross.


ryan said...

A community that sees and hears the needs of their neighbors and is moved to fill these needs so that all of the community can see and experience the love of Christ.

Connect God’s people to the Great Commision by connecting local expressions of The Church to local non-profits and the needs of the community. Live out biblical community so that our neighbors may see the gospel of Jesus Christ work in their lives, and then walk beside our neighbors to help them mature in their new Hope.

thewayout said...

these are awesome, i am excited how they are shaping up!