Monday, April 7, 2008

a God thing...


i wanted to share i neat thing that happened to us yesterday coming home from vacation. we wanted to visit communality in lexington, but didn't really know much about when they meet, where etc. so i got as much information as i could about them, directions to where i "think" they are in lexington. we left knoxville, tn. after a late night of trying to get a hotel room. (that is a whole nother story...hehehe...)

since we really didn't know a time or even if they met on sunday's we took our time and goofed around. we stopped at the birth place of col. sanders of kfc fame in corbin kentucky. had some chicken, got to see the kitchen where he made his "secret" recipe.

we made it in to lexington at around 4:30pm to 4:45pm. lisa and i were looking for the address of the place, and just happen to see several people on the sidewalk going to a house with crock pots full of food, lisa said that has to be it, so i zoomed into the parking lot. i kept thinking to myself, here we are just dropping in on them out of the blue. how do we introduce ourselves, what do we say we are doing here...etc.

we meet a couple of people, a lady by the name of lisa and another one, sherry, then will, john and jeff. it was all kinda overwhelming but cool. we go to talking to lisa about what they do, and asked what we had just interrupted or was getting ready to start. this was their fellowship time and we had made it just in time (God is so funny like that...) she told us that they have a worship time with song, a prayer time, then start their meal to gether by taking communion. cool, cool, cool.

they hand out the sheets for the first song for worship and it is "Be Thou My Vision"...oh my...i was floored. i can see God up there just loving this. that has been a song that has been on my heart as i think and dream about what is next. then my lisa pulls me aside and tells me that will and lisa are the couple that wrote "justice in the burbs"...whoa, completely crazy...

so...needless to say i was in awe of how God works out timing even in the sometimes silly things that we do. we ended up staying for about 2 hours just hanging out with all of them and talking their ears off. it was great. we asked them about making a pilgrimage down sometime to discuss stuff and they are all for it. a lot of the families keep their homes ready for hospitality, meals, nights over and that kinda thing. i have more to tell, but will wait to see everyone face to face. needless to say, my head was buzzing with the thoughts, dreams and prayers of what we are doing. it was exciting to see more people who are a part of this movement of Jesus in this day and age. i was so humbled by the common bond of Christ that binds us all together where ever we are. so much so, that we can just drop in and worship with other brothers and sisters. so crazy cool. wow...

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