Wednesday, April 2, 2008

i think i hear thunder!!! Just a brainstorm.

Let's keep the brainstorming going!! Words, phrases, pictures, excerpts from books, semi-collected thoughts. If this is the "pot" that collects the ideas, we should be able to step back and see what we have at the end. Enjoy! Don't hold ideas back.


martilou said...

just an update on what I am doing:
I called greg the not so real realtor and left a message that we are still interested
Jan mathis is checking more on status of 6 high street
I have a meeting tuesday with tom zoss of the mooresville community foundation (anyone can come at noon)
I am meeting with IDT next week as well
I will be in ft wayne April 17 so I am trying to get a meeting with Missionary Church District Superintendent Steve Jones
Melanie found an organization that seems similar to what we are thinking in Cincy--I am trying to get info to set up a meeting.
I found a training on Simple Way website it is April 11-13 in Lexington Ky at a place similar to simple way/potterstreet. I think I am going to go take a look at The conversion school on Anyone up for a trip?

ryan said...

Here are brainstorming from before:

Katie throws in the pot: connecting, comforting the lonely, reconciliation, teaching --God's glory
Jesse throws in the pot: community, meeting needs, training in community outreach, connect to the body...
Marti throws in the pot; Great Commission, Discipling to the 4th generation, partnerships,
hope, love God, love people, radical, neighborhood transformation through service and discipleship, example of green
Lisa throws in the pot: circles, safe house, respite, refuge, shelter, food, hsopitaltiy, healing love, purity, information
ryan throws in the pot: connecting point for non profits and volunteers, mission trips, community through service, resources, house network, loving others, partaking in community, involve teen volunteers.
if this is driving you crazy step out and just watch and listen--certain gift mixes do this brainstorming thing well, to others it is frustrating (I myself love it and am having a lot of fun right now)
one more thought: some like it hot some like cold some like in the pot nine days old!

ryan said...

Jesse's Mission statement:
We are a community of Christians that seeks to comfort the lonely by meeting their spiritual and physical needs. We will connect them to the body of Christ, teach reconciliation, train them in community outreach, and allow Jesus Christ to bring about his glory in and through us for the community of Mooresville.
Katie's Mission Statement:
We are a community that comforts the lonely, that reaches out to the needs of the community and connects others to the same needs, we are a community that is seeking reconciliation and teaching others to reconcile. Are main purpose is to bring about the Glory of God in mooresville.

ryan said...

Eden's Mission Statement:
As Christians our first "mission" needs to be the Great Commission. If we go out and do "good deeds" but don't give the people Jesus what have we really accomplished? Maybe we could go down the road of Loving God and Loving people? I think we can do all of these things!

Anonymous said...

Here are some more: Peacemaking, humble submission, intentional community, common life, committment to a disciplined life, contimplative life,

Jesse said...
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